Gold Rush Bookchat

What is the story about? The Night They Stormed Eureka

  • Where is it set?  It is set in Ballarat.


  • Where did the main character come from? Sam came from the future or 2009.What was their reason for going to the goldfields? She was sitting on a grave with names on it and wished that she could be with the people on the grave and suddenly she was transported to the past and met them.


  • What was the journey to the goldfields like? It was a great whoosh of wind, then her vision clouded up and when she could see again, she was in the past.
  • How did people get there? They went by cart, horse, foot


  • What was life like on the goldfields? She had to pretend to be a boy and worked with Mrs Puddleham (she and her husband were the people who she met) on the goldfields making food for the hungry miners. She had to sleep in a shelter but she had better food than she had ever had in her life there.
  • How were people treated on the goldfields? She saw the license chase and didn’t have a gold digging license like Mr Puddleham even thought they had a shopkeepers license Mrs Puddleham had to go and pay them off.


What were some challenges that people faced? It was pretty good for her but for everyone else… life wasn’t so good. They had the chance of dying and the license hunts were pretty bad. If you didn’t have your license you then had to pay 5 pounds then if you didn’t have that then you would stay in the jail and be put in front of a magistrate.

What jobs did people have on the goldfields?Miner, Shopkeeper, Doctor, Laundress, Teacher, Priest.

  • Which job would you like and why? I’d rather be a doctor because I’ve always wanted to be a doctor but I don’t want to do someone’s laundry or make someone’s food, I want to save people.


  • What positive learner attributes did people have to show on the goldfields? People had to show courage in the license hunts and going down mines.
  • What time period is it set in? It is set in the 1850s.
  • It could cave in on you, you could breath in to much bad air and die in the dark without even saying goodbye to your family and friends.Share some examples from the story. Sam had to show courage when she got caught by the troopers and was chained to a log. She showed connectedness to the Puddlehams when she accepted them as her family.


  • Did the book refer to the Eureka Stockade? The book was at it’s end when the Eureka Stockade happened.If so, describe the event from the main character’s perspective.  She wanted to warn them and went into the street but she was to late. She ran along and saw people being stabbed and shot and where she ran there was blood mixed with the mud under her boots.How did life in Victoria change as a result of this event? She was transported back shortly after that so she didn’t get to see anything


  • How did life change in Victoria as a result of the Gold Rush? We remember the gold rush as a terrible matter


  • How did the Gold Rush impact Indigenous people? They were able to sell skins, fish and meat to the miners

Do you have a gold rush related book? If so, what is it?

Write in the comments below,



My Avatar

Welcome back to my Blog! This blog post, as the title suggests is about my Avatar. First let me explain what an avatar is because I know some of you are thinking “What’s an Avatar?” Well, an avatar is a picture, often digitally made. An avatar more often then not will represent you online.

An avatar is important if you spend a lot of time on the internet or regularly upload things online. But for me, I have an avatar for my blog. Avatars are useful because it doesn’t actually show your real face. So if you want to be known on the internet but don’t want your actually face to be seen, then get an avatar.

The features of my avatar are oval dark blue eyes with black, thick, eyelashes, dark brown hair which is up to my shoulders, light pink small lips, a small nose, a blue shirt and a background which for me says “LOOK AT ME” because I like the pattern and the way it makes me look like I’m the star of a show.

I have chosen these features because they look like the grown up version of me. (It’s probably prettier than me though) And as you already know, the avatar represents me on my blog and online. Do not look at the previous avatar post because now that is a lie. Do you have an avatar online? If you do, comment below.

I’ll be back soon,


Library Reflection

Welcome to my 1st blogpost of 2020! This will be about Library and what I’m doing right now in it. It will also include what sort of books I like. So now to start it.

I love books. But what type, you ask. I love all types of books but my favourite genre is mystery. I  love it because it will always be an adventure. All of the mystery books are page turners and when I go to bed and I have to put my book down I plead “just one more minute!” I can never put them down. I love the the suspense and when the investigator/investigators find a change.

An example of a mystery book would be the Enola Holmes series. Now I’m sure you’re thinking “Holmes? Sherlock Holmes the great detective?” Well I’m sure this particular author thought “ I want to make a mystery book. One with a girl detective. What should I call her? Detective. Sherlock Holmes. Eureka! The fictional sister of Sherlock Holmes. Why not?” I would recommend this book for 10-14 year old readers or older people who want to read a book about a headstrong girl who is smarter than the boys.

The book chat that I am reading is called How To Bee. A quick summary: Since there are no bees, farm children have to climb up the trees and pollinate the flowers themselves. Or they are Pests. Pests clean up the streets and tidy up after everybody. Peony desperately wants to be a bee but she gets a no every dtime she tries out. Then her mother comes and takes her to the city to be a servant to the rich Esmeralda. She and Esmeralda make an unlikely friendship and concoct a plan to get Peony home. She finally gets back to her home, grandfather and sister. I desperately love this book even if it does get sad. I would definitely read it again as book chat if I could. What is your favourite genre and why?

Always Posting,


Hi Future Year 4

Dear Future Grade Fours,

I hear you’re coming up to grade four next year

3 Things You Need

  1. You will need resilience because sometimes tasks are long. And boring. But you need resilience to keep on going and not give up. Resilience will guide you through grade four. It is essential for grade 4
  2. Another strength you will need is curiosity. How would you learn anything without curiosity. Being curious is the base of learning. Feel free to ask questions any time to your year 4 teacher. Just remember to put up your hand!
  3. The final thing that you will need in year four is courage. Speak up! Talk! Don’t be too shy or scared to put your hand up and tell something. You know when you have the answer so you put up your hand in pure courage? Well sometimes the teacher calls on you and 5en you just pretend that there was a leaf in your hair or something like that. 

2 Things To Look Forward To Are

  1. Definitely Camp. Going to Mount Evelyn was the BEST. You will not want to miss Mount Evelyn or the Giant swing, which is one of the activities. Word of advice here, go to the top but DON’T look down. If you look down you are probably not going to want go to the top. The first swing is scary but then it is amazingly fun.
  2. Having your own blog. It is pretty cool knowing that you have a blog and anyone in the world can see your writing. But now I think about it and it could be scary for you, not exciting. But the things we write about are always fun to do.

Funny things in Grade 4

Well, there was the nativity. You were allowed to write funny or awkward thing for people to say in your part/scene of the script. There are 12 scenes. If you, for example, got scene 4, which is when Augustus Cesar announces the census. You could make the people say a couple of funny things behind his back. There was also when someone in our group, on our walk to the year 4 camp, said “ At least there is not going to be any more mud” but they jinxed it. There was lots of mud and an enormous puddle and the path suddenly got narrower. We all laughed because they had jinxed it. We also laughed when someone fell in the puddle.

A Challenging Time In Year 4

 When we were walking to the camp in Mount Evelyn, as you already know, it wasn’t a very good path. Mainly sticky mud. It was only meant to be a kilometre and half an hour but it was 10 kilometres and about 2 hours.

I am proud of 

When I received basically top marks I was so happy. So proud. It was really nice knowing that the teachers thought I was smart. Hopefully you will get top marks too when you are in grade four.

Mrs Burns’s saying

My teacher, Mrs Burns always said “ try. Just try”.

Bye for Now, Charlotte


What did We Do?

This term my class has been focusing on the Nativity. We were all put into pairs and then, we were allocated scenes. There were 12 scenes in our play. Molly and I were a pair. We wrote scene 10. When everyone had finished their scenes, we put them all together to create the 4HB nativity script. ( See attached link for scene 10)


When it was announced that we would determine the roles through an audition, I got really excited. I am (not to boast) pretty good at acting so, naturally, I got the first role I auditioned for. The main role; Mary. I had to have a second choice, so that was the narrator. There were two Marys, and I was number 2 Mary.

Highlights and Challenging parts of the Nativity 

You already know my favourite highlight, being Mary. Some more are; I got a good actor for Joseph, I was the first person to get my costume and all the props sorted, and I got the bigger part of Mary, I love long lines and acting. Now the challenging parts. I was told at least 5 times that I had to face the audience. Not very good of me, was it. Sometimes I felt like giving up and tearing off my costume when I just could not keep on waiting.



I used courage when I tried out for Mary and also when I got my lines wrong. I used knowledge when writing the part of the script I was assigned. I used the PLA of connectedness when I connected with Molly to write the script.

Bye for now,


!CBCA Shortlist Judging Reflection!

This term in library we got the chance to judge the CBCA shortlist Information Books. Now I am about to state the Good Layout criteria.

  • Layout is Clear so that it looks properly neat
  • Font is easy to read (style and size) so they don’t get confused
  • Labels/ subtitles so that the reader understands 
  • Not too much writing on one page. Or your work get cramped and tiny and your reader gets  bored
  • The blurb has to match the inside. Or it doesn’t make sense.
  • Creative and Attractive so that they read it in the first place


  • It should include lots of pictures if you desire a under 7 audience
  • Of course, the visuals should MATCH THE TEXT
  • You would need some large pictures so that you can see it properly
  • About colour, it doesn’t have to be colourful 
  • The visuals should communicate details clearly
  • The book includes a variety of visual features
  • To many visuals distract the reader

That’s all for visuals. Now it is the Information criteria.

  • Detailed, but not too much info. Otherwise there might be an overload of info 
  • Of course accurate 
  • Definitely up to date 
  • Interesting
  • It gets to the point
  • Tells a story 
  • Lessons to learn
  • Blurb matches content
  • Original 
  • Descriptive 

That’s all for the info list. Now I am going to tell you why I chose Sorry Day. The visuals: I love the illustrations, they are  so detailed like a real person. I like how they go from past to present. Layout: I took of the 1 point because there was little text. Otherwise it was perfect. Information: at the end there was information about who took the photos.I took of the 2 because it was more of a narrative then an information book. My score for Sorry Day was 27 out of 30. What book would you chose and why?

Bye for now  Charlotte

Come To Meet The Scientist Afternoon

Here is my group’s reflection. Here it is!Initially, we thought that the copper and aluminium was going to sink the fastest because of the weight. We found it interesting that the aluminium didn’t sink the fastest. But the copper was not surprising that it sank really fast. The wool was different in a way because the wool was shrunk. The cotton was from one of our group members old sheet linen. Next time we would make sure to put the materials on to their sides because it makes a huge difference, if we do the experiment again. Next time we could make the timing more accurate by asking the person who was filming to press the starting button. Come to Meet The Scientist Afternoon at 2:15-3:0 in the 4HB classroom. Here is my group’s trailer, hope you enjoy!

Community Service

Community Service. Why would I do this you ask. Well to buy blankets for the homeless. If we had extra money we would buy toiletries and maybe a swag or two. To get the money we did chores.


What chores did I do? I did the dishwasher, I took the bins out to the street, did my cat ( fed her and took the poo out of her kitty litter) on a day which I wasn’t meant to do her, dried up and put away a LOT of dishes and the worst job, put the compost in the compost bin and washed it out. I got inspired to put the compost in the compost bin and wash it out because I remembered in year three how we did that.


What I found challenging was feeding my cat and taking the poo out of her kitty litter. My reason for that was because it was gross and I had to get out of bed early to do that for a week.


It was really fun taking the bins out because I pretended that I was a train with the bins trailing along behind me. When I got to the road I made little beeping sound like a truck reversing. Different machines!


I have new knowledge about homelessness now! I now know that Homelessness is everywhere. I know that it is mainly not their fault that they are homeless.


When we wanted to find out the size of the blanket we got put into pairs. We were given a pencil, a long piece of paper and instructions. The instructions were: Ask politely to measure teachers with the piece of paper. Get them to hold the top of the paper to the top of their heads. Bend the paper where it touches the floor. Write the person’s name on the bend. Well after that Mrs Burns got the average blanket size from all of our results. She added 40 cm worth of toe tucking length. Our result was 210cm.


We did a number of tests on the materials. They were Bemsilk, Pleather, Fleece, Neoprene, Cotton, Tulle, Wool and Denim. We tested all of them for their insulation. Next we bumped off Bemsilk, Pleather, Tulle and Denim, they did not insulate well. After that we did a leak soak or repel test. The wool repelled, the cotton leaked, the fleece soaked and the neoprene repelled. We then bumped off the cotton. We saw that neoprene was only in 50cm by 50cm. Then we saw that wool was like $100. Fleece however was $7.50 thanks to Mrs Burns’s VIP discount. We then ordered the blankets. We sewed them with care for three weeks.

Keep Looking at my blog, Charlotte









Our visit from Oliver Phommavanh (Pom-a-van)

We ran into the library, eager to learn about being an author. The first thing he told us to do was write a 14 word autobiography. Here it is: Charlotte loves books ( especially Agatha Christie’s). She is nine and in grade four (2019). Next we shared them, I didn’t get to share mine. Oliver said that we were going to play two truths and a lie. My options were:

1. I LOVE books

2. I have had fast food

3. Once I kicked twelve people in the shins.

Then Oliver announced that we were going to draw faces for happy, sad, angry, scared, evil, weird, cool and nerd.

Then he said do a story about a kid called Bob and he had to be one of the faces. I did nerd/ weird. A summary is he goes down next to to you says you smells like cheese and tries to lick you. Then we did a remix. In the remix it is from Bob’s perspective. Overall I thought it was amazing.

What did you think of his visit?

Always posting, Charlotte